In 2021 we decided that it was time for an exclusive convention for linehaul contractors.
Our mission is to host a best-in-class event that helps contractors grow their businesses and increase their profitability. We have no other motive except providing phenomenal educational content, networking opportunities and access to vendors.
The event founders are comprised of two linehaul contractors and two vendors with extensive linehaul experience. Although we are doing the heavy-lifting of hosting this event, its really all about you. Our goal is to give you the tools to grow your business.
Founders of the Linehaul Summit. Pictured from left to right: Tim Goff of Oscar Mike, Alex Frum
of Alpha Kilo Logistics, John Haldi of HaldiTech, and Flint Holbrook of TruckSpy.
Chances are you've talked with at least one of our awesome event staff who help keep this event going behind the scenes: Brenna, Michelle, and Emma.